De-stashing Blues and Greens, Part 1

Destashing without bordersAs I mentioned last week, my stash of blue and green fabrics is simply overflowing. So right after Christmas, I set my mind to making a blue and green quilt.

As is usually my first step, I turned to my shelf of quilt books for inspiration. This time I found it in a copy of Kaffe Fassett’s Museum Quilts. And I actually followed the pattern, Square Clamshell Quilt, pretty much exactly.

Museum Quilts book

The blocks themselves are large at 18 inches. And while they look really scrappy, there is a rhyme and reason to the way they’re put together.

Destashing block

If you draw a line diagonally through the block, each side is a mirror image. The setting blocks are either half of the full block or a quarter of the full block.

Destashing finished blocks

The blocks were fun and easy to make, although figuring out the half and quarter variations kind of hurt my brain. I arranged the blocks with the lighter ones at the top and the darker ones at the bottom; none are super light or super dark, but it just seemed like a good way to go. Next up I needed to figure out the sashing. My initial plan was to use the blue and green strips that came in the jelly roll of solids that I got for Christmas.

Destashing multi sash

The more I looked at that arrangement, though, the more it just felt too busy. I finally decided I needed to go with one solid fabric for the sashing. Luckily, I had a lot of different color options to play with.

Destashing sash options

The final two choices were pretty much polar opposites. Either I’d use a light olive green and take the subtle route or I’d go with the bright blue. I decided that the bright blue made the blocks pop more. And as luck would have it, Sewn Studio had that exact blue in stock! I ended up using one the of the jelly roll fabrics for the cornerstones.

Destashing detail

With the blocks and partial blocks put together, I needed to trim the ends to square up the quilt.

Destashing trimming

And with that, the main part of the top is done!

Destashing without borders

I do think I might add a border or two to finish it off. Or maybe not—I kind of like the way it looks in the photo above. I plan on using the bright blue as either the next border or the binding. I think that will help complete the blue areas.

That makes two tops ready to quilt in one month! (Plus, of course, the other quilt tops I have sitting around.) So this one I’m planning to send out to a longarmer. I’m hoping she’ll be able to keep the quilt design confined in each block, maybe with some design that helps the viewer see that the blocks are mirror images. We’ll see. I’m just really happy with this quilt and really happy to have room to buy more blue and green fabrics.

Boy’s Column Quilt Top

Boy Column Quilt top

This past weekend I finished up the top for my first charity quilt of 2014. Project Linus is always looking for quilts for boys, and I made this one hoping that it would appeal to an older boy.

Like my last quilt for Project Linus, this one, too, was sewn in columns or strips. As Nancy Zieman pointed out in her original blog posts about column charity quilts (and in her upcoming book, Quick Column Quilts, which I happen to be editing), column designs are perfect for charity quilts because they sew up so quickly.

Boy Column Quilt columns

Look at all those long straight lines! So once you get your pieces cut, you can just sew and sew and sew.

Most of the fabrics in the quilt top came from my stash. My stash space is finite, and the blues and greens no longer fit in their designated space. So I pulled the blues and greens I thought might appeal to a boy and added them to the mix.

Boy Column Quilt fabrics

I had a lot of the blue/green/gray print shown above and thought this was the perfect opportunity to use it up. Of course, I didn’t bother to figure out if I actually had enough of it for my quilt plan. It seemed like I had so much, I didn’t even worry about it. But then, of course, I ran out. So I went to Lavender Street and chose the darker navy and black fabric, shown above, to finish up the quilt.

Boy Column Quilt top

I think the dark navy fabric really gives the quilt a nice pop of color and keeps it from being too dull. And Greg said he thinks it makes it more masculine, too. Well, I guess that wasn’t the incentive I needed to make sure I have enough fabric before I start my next project.

The quilt top is 58 inches wide by 76 inches long. It’s a pretty big one, but I’m going to try quilting it at home with straight stitching.

As a bit of an aside, I used the same blue fish fabric in both this quilt and the previous Project Linus quilt I made for a boy. I was telling my mom about this quilt and happened to mention that fabric. As it turns out, she just finished a boy quilt for Project Linus that also contained blue fish fabric. So if boys don’t actually like blue fish fabric, someone should really let us know.